We lost our honeymoon baby, Micah, at 8 weeks. It took us a year to get pregnant again. When I was around 35 weeks pregnant with our son, I hadn’t felt him moving around much so I went to the hospital. They rushed me into an emergency C Section before my husband made it to the hospital. They had to resuscitate him immediately after he was born. We were told it didn’t look good. He was in the NICU from March 15-19 before his body finally decided he was done fighting. He went to be with Jesus March 19, 2023 at 9:01am. To this day, we don’t know what happened to him. The doctors say it was just a freak incident and there’s no reason it should’ve happened. Now we have our beautiful daughter, Sarah, who is the light of our lives.
Children of Nate and Addie Graveling
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