Alivia Agnes Quinn

When I first discovered I was pregnant with Alivia, my emotions were a whirlwind. My husband, Nathan, and I had only been married for three months, and this pregnancy wasn’t part of our immediate plan. Yet, hearing our baby’s heartbeat for the first time changed everything. We dove headfirst into preparations, dreaming about our future as parents and falling in love with our little girl.

My pregnancy had its ups and downs, including a diagnosis of gestational diabetes. But the anticipation of meeting Alivia kept me going. I often found myself sitting in the glider chair, envisioning the day I would hold her close, rocking her to sleep and soaking in every moment of motherhood.

On July 23, 2008, after a long night of labor, I finally held Alivia in my arms. But instead of hearing her cry, I was met with silence. Alivia was born with a faint heartbeat but struggled to breathe. In the whirlwind of emotions that followed, we learned that our sweet girl had experienced significant brain damage and was unlikely to survive. She lived for just 34 hours, but those moments were filled with profound love, tenderness, and heartache.

Losing Alivia was the most devastating experience of my life. In the aftermath, I found myself searching for ways to navigate my grief. I wanted to honor her memory and connect with others who had experienced similar losses. This longing to share and support led me to create the Healing Hearts Podcast.

Through this platform, I aim to share stories of love, loss, and hope, offering a space for healing and connection. Alivia's story is just the beginning of many shared experiences, reminding us all that even in our darkest moments, we are not alone.


Daughter of Liz and Nate Quinn

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